The project advisory board

Researching services of general interest from an international and multidisciplinary perspective is a complex and challenging task. In addition, effective knowledge transfer is particularly demanding in this context. For these reasons, a project advisory board will be set up to support, advise and validate the results of the InDaLE project. The advisory board members are to perform the following tasks:

  • monitoring and technical advice on the project;
  • constructive discussion and critical review of the challenges, as well as the intermediate and final results of the project;
  • communication of the questions posed and the results within the project as multipliers for its entire duration (01.2020-12.2022);
  • support in ensuring the sustainability of all project results.



The project advisory board is to meet once a year (three times in total) and is composed of practitioners and applied researchers in the field of rural public services, as well as representatives of the three European countries under study.

Dr. Anne Ritzinger 

Bayerische Verwaltung für Ländliche Entwicklung (Bavarian State Agency for Rural Development)

Dr. Jan Swoboda 

Deutsche Vernetzungsstelle Ländliche Räume (German Network for Rural Areas)

Dr. Ludwig Scharmann 

Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Regionalentwicklung (Saxony State Ministry for Regional Development)


Dipl.-Ing. Klaus Einig 

Ministerium für Inneres, ländliche Räume, Integration und Gleichstellung, Schleswig-Holstein (Ministry of the Interior, Rural Areas, Integration and Equality, Schleswig-Holstein)

Prof. Dr. Claudia Neu 

Lehrstuhl Soziologie ländlicher Räume an den Universitäten Göttingen und Kassel (Chair of Rural Sociology at the Universities of Göttingen and Kassel)  

Dr. Jan M. Stielike 

Institut für Geodäsie und Geoinformation an der Universität Bonn (Institute for Geodesy and Geoinformation at the University of Bonn)  

Mag. Dr. Ingrid Machold 

Bundesanstalt für Agrarwirtschaft und Bergbauernfragen (Federal Agency for Agricultural Economy and Mountain Farming)


Stefan Kah 

European Policies Research Centre at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow   

Asoc. Prof. Dr. Josefina Syssner 

Centre for Local Government Studies at the University of Linköping 

Prof. Dr. Dirk Strijker 

Holder of the Mansholt Chair for Rural Development at the University of Groningen